
The international seminar entitled "Visegrad Group Countries and Azerbaijan" was held at the AIR Center

2023-06-22 17:01

On June 22, the Center of Analysis of International Relations (AIR Center) and the Embassy of Slovakia in Azerbaijan jointly organized an international seminar entitled "Visegrad Group countries and Azerbaijan".

The AIR Center Chairman, Farid Shafiyev stated that Azerbaijan has strategic cooperation with such EU countries as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and this cooperation is based on overlapping interests and shared security concerns, along with a certain shared history.

The Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the Republic of Azerbaijan, Milan Lajchak mentioned after the collapse of the Soviet Union that countries that gained independence experienced similar challenges. These challenges were mostly related to the shift to a market economy and security concerns. In terms of long-term challenges, the ambassador stated that Slovak Republic is becoming one of the most vulnerable countries in the EU, due to robotization potential to bring social challenges and unemployment. M. Lajchak also touched on the economic development of Azerbaijan.

Senior researcher at the Hungarian Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT), Sandor Seremet, and Head of SOCAR's Foreign Relations Department, Ali Shahbazov spoke at the panel "Visegrad Group countries and Azerbaijan in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war: problems related to the energy crisis and the search for solutions."

Challenges associated with the energy crisis and solutions in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, as well as the challenges of future technological transformation for Visegrad group countries and Azerbaijan were discussed during the seminar.