Javid Valiyev
Head of Department
(+994 12) 596-82-39
Dr. Cavid Veliyev is the head of a department at the AIR Center. He worked previously for the Center for Strategic Studies (SAM) under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a researcher (2009-2015) and afterwards as the head of Foreign Policy Analysis Department (2015-2019). Dr. Veliyev also served as an editor in chief of Caucasus International Journal between September 2017 and January 2019. Between June 2017 and January 2019 he was the representative of OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions. In 2005-2009, he served as the head of the South Caucasus Department at the National Security Strategic Research Center of Turkey (TUSAM). He has authored number of academic and editorial articles. He has co-edited the books South Caucasus: Energy, Geopolitics Rivalry and Territorial Integrity (Ankara, 2011), Turkey-Azerbaijan Relations (Ankara, 2012) and Azerbaijan Foreign Policy: 1991-2018 (Baku, 2018). He received his Ph.D. in International Relations from Ankara University in 2013. Cavid Valiyev has frequently published on the Caucasus International Journal, Hurriyet Daily News, Cumhuriyyet Strateji, Jamestown Foundation, National Interests, Yeni Safak, Anadolu Agency, Karar on Turkey and South Caucasus region. Dr. Veliyev has been awarded “Taraggi” (“Progress” (10 November 2017)) and "100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-2018)” Medals by the President of Azerbaijan for his effective role in the socio-political life of the country.