
AIR Center holds a webinar titled “Fate of Multilateralism during COVID-19 Crisis”

2020-06-03 14:46

A webinar entitled "The fate of multilateralism during the Covid-19 crisis" was organized by the Center of Analysis of International Relations. The Chairman of the AIR center, Farid Shafiyev said that the purpose of the webinar was to discuss the main problems faced by multilateralism during the Covid-19 crisis and the measures needed to be taken to prevent these problems. He said he was more optimistic about the future, saying the world was in a better place than during the Spanish flu and World War II. According to Farid Shafiyev, multilateral institutions have played a great role in making the world a better place.

Gulam Isaczai, the UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan, said that although multilateralism has a long history, it has an even more relevance in the post-World War II period. According to him, the UN is one of the important organizations that emerged after the world war on the basis of multilateralism: “Currently, with the emergence of the Covid-19 virus, there is a greater need for multilateralism. Covid-19 poses the greatest challenge to the world since World War II. The pandemic is stark reminder of the need for global cooperation”. Speaking about Azerbaijan's contribution during the pandemic, Gulam Isaczai spoke about the summits of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Turkish Council chaired by Azerbaijan and its support for the countries, noting that Azerbaijan has allocated $ 10 million to support the WHO.

The next speaker, Alessandro Fracasetti, UNDP Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan, said that despite all the forecasts in the world, he is also optimistic. According to him, in the 75-year history of the UN, the necessity of joint action for a better and stronger future, especially during the current pandemic, has never been clearer. According to him, no matter how much some countries want to act alone and close their borders, they have now realized that they also depend on information and equipment from other countries: “Other global challenges in the world also require a unified approach. It also creates common opportunities. "

The following speaker, Kestutis Jankauskas, Head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan, in his speech said that cooperation in the fight against such crises was the key direction : "At the beginning of the year, when the virus spread, we would not have identified the virus and its symptoms if we didn’t cooperate and listen to our partners and other countries. We then were looking for best practice, doctors, and equipment”.